Thursday, July 9, 2009

Doug's First Salmon and Memo to Crabs

The major runs have not begun in the Broughton area but there are some salmon here early for the fall spawn or late for the spring spawn. Now there is one less male to enter the foray. Doug caught a nice 20 lb King (also known as Tyee, Chinook, Springer and Blackmouth)just off of Point James in Wells Passage.

As you look at him, notice his shape and snout. Guides with experience can often tell you the fish's spawning river. This identification is due to a long evolutionary process that adapts the sub species to the river. In example, Columbia River salmon have through the ages had to fight their way over water falls to the spawning ground. Consequently, the nose on Columbia River fish is blunted. Native fish on the Cowlitz River underwent a different evolutionary process. They were often five feet long and very slender almost eel-like. It is not certain where Doug's fish was headed but it must have been an easy trip. He was fat, sleek and had a well shaped snout. The ladies will miss him.

PS. This rock crab did not get the memo that mating season is Spring.

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