Monday, July 23, 2012

Dale Larson Original Mugs
Unlike our friend, Mel, who is at sea fishing by 4:00 AM we usually take a more leisurely approach. Often we set to sea by 8:30 or 9:00 with a second cup of coffee.   Our  mugs were made by the current president of the American Association of Woodturners who is Doug's most talented brother, Dale.  In our new fishing boat we can stay out of the rain and wait for the reel to sing. 
Doug with a 42 lb Tyee Salmon

And sing it did!  This fish is tied for the largest caught this year in the Shearwater area. 

And then there is prawning which is hard work and not as much fun but oh, so tasty.  First, you find the right habitat and then you drop the pots in about 500 feet of water and then you pull them up (a job in itself) and then you de-head all those prawns.

Debra with Prawn Bounty

And then you have lunch.

Prawn and Basil Pizza created by Doug and Jan

And then you fish some more.

Ralph with a Beautiful Catch

And then you eat dinner.

Deb and Ralph with Jan's Paella

And the next day you start all over again only taking time out to eat the leftovers!