Monday, May 23, 2016

Life's a Treat

Sometimes you just get treats in life.  When Tammy and Ron got engaged we got treated to a great daughter-in-law to be.  Spending time on the boat is one of Ron's most favored things and we were treated to Tammy accompanying him this trip.  And the Great Bear Rain Forest had treats for all!

Tammy and Ron Treated us to a Visit.

The eagle treats us to a show..
Treated to A Great Day of Hali Fishing
Treated to Huge Crab and Nice Salmon

A Gold Ruffed Mama Bear treats us to a Cub View

The Burke Treats us to a Limit of Chicken Halibut

Ron and Tammy are Treated to a  24 lb salmon....and a 20 and a 14 and a 10 and an 8

We are Treated to Kayak Going Mussel Gathers

We are Treated to Big Crabs

Life is a treat and we have been treated well.

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