Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crabby in Tofino

It is Friday and we waited for the new inverter to arrive at Vi’s Place for two hours. The truck was late and, guess what! The inverter is in Nanaimo with the earliest possible delivery on Monday the 8th of September. Unfortunately we will be in Nootka Sound. Even calm Doug is becoming exacerbated. He planned to install the inverter PRIOR to our Nootka trip. Just a few hours on the phone to reroute it to Gold River. Another week of babying our failing inverter will be okay.

The best news was our crab pull with 15 crabs that included 11 keepers. Our joint limit is 12 and we had best get eating. Good thing that Jim and Denise will arrive tomorrow. It will be our traditional crab all-you-can-eat dinner on the first night.

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