How quickly time passes. One moment we are playing bridge and partying in Puerto Vallarta and a moment later we are fishing in British Columbia. We have had a wonderful time. Join us for a quick photo update to now time.
Mary Shaw's 93rd Birthday Party |
Mary Shaw was a most interesting woman and a real beauty in her day. In addition to being an excellent bridge player she was a close companion of Frank Sinatra and had photos to show.. She lived her life the way she wanted to live it doing what she loved. We will miss Mary.
Jim and Denise on an outing by the sea
Friends at Adelitas
Another great visit with Jim and Denise who are dear friends. Jim and Doug worked together at Simpson Paper Company. Jim is retiring this fall and we are hoping to see more of them in Puerto Vallarta next year but their beautiful new granddaughter is tough competition.
What's with the Horse?
Jeff and Bill to Lunch at the Ocean Grill
We enjoyed a week with my brother, Jeff, and his partner, Bill. It seems we spend a great deal of time eating but it was fun. The Ocean Grill is a gourmet restaurant accessible only by boat. Lovely setting and very good food. There are rumors that Jeff and Bill will be back next season. We do hope so.
There is an attorney, an accountant, an artist and a former playboy bunny hidden in this picture. Can you find them?
The Birthday Girl and Charles
We have lots of reasons to party in Puerto Vallarta such as winning at bridge/losing at bridge or having a birthday/not having a birthday. What fun we have.
Mike and Jan
Some people make a big difference in the world and Mike is one of those people. We worked together in Camas where he was beloved even by the most recalcitrant middle school students. Many kids will miss Mike but he has earned his retirement.
Back to British Columbia
Odd Goods
The things you see at sea are sometimes odd. At sea the odds may be good but take care the goods may be odd.
The Morning Sea
And how we love the mornings at sea.
First 2014 Salmon
The larders are stocked with prawns, ling cod and now salmon. Life is good in the northern waters.