Beauties in our lives are on all fronts.
My dear "daughter", Maria and granddaughter, Lia, joined us with a friend for Spring Break. A shop-till-you-drop experience brought on by the lack of malls in downtown Manson. We are proud to announce that Lia got her driver's license on the first try and is qualified to be her mother's lackey!
We spend as much time as we can with Jan's cousin, Wendy, and her sweet girls. At Payton's birthday party we were lucky to meet Kuzi's parents and his sister as well asvisit with Wendy's Mom, Dar, again. It was a lovely party and the girls were gorgeous. We are blessed to be Aunt Jan and Uncle Doug to such beautiful children!
More Beauties are coming. Doug's daughter, Shari and her handsome husband, Ryan, are expecting in July. The gender of the baby will be a surprise to everyone but Beavers come in boys and girls!
My nephew, Seth, and his beautiful wife, Meghan, are expecting identical twin girls in a couple of weeks. Ah, the become a Greatest Aunt Jan and Greatest Uncle Doug. "Ant" Jan has been knitting!
And then there are the Ling Cod Beasts. It took us 15 minutes to catch our daily limit of one each. Good eating but certainly not beauties.